mWAVE 2021 Community Service Project
mWAVE staff took part in the first annual mWAVE 2021 Community Service Project. This year's service project was to clean up a section of Sebago-to-the-Sea Trail which is out the back door of our facilities.
This old un-used rail bed was acquired by the State of Maine as a recreational trail and is managed by the Sebago to the Sea Coalition. The entire trail system is 28-miles (45-km) from Sebago Lake in Windham to Casco Bay in South Portland. mWAVE tackled a little over 3-miles (4.8-km) of the trail system.
The staff were split into two-person teams and assigned sections of the trail to the north and south of the mWAVE facility. Staff participants were Anthony Brook, Bill Sanborn, Blake Laughlin, Chase Howard, Chris Mosher, Ed Daniel, Gary Ross, Heather Melanson, Jeff Richardson, Jim Detert, Julie Frisco, Mike Emanuello, Peter Farnum, Ralph Prigge, Seth Hanson, Shawn Malespini, Sven Ehnstrom, Troy Dennen. All in all the staff did an amazing job and had a great time.